According to The Holographic Universe, a hologram is a good analogy to reality. It is composed of frequency patterns, and every part contains a representation of the whole image. Energy is fundamental and matter is a manifestation. Our concepts are abstractions of pieces of what is underneath a unified whole connected with no concept of space or time. The hologram analogy has many similarities to the vision of reality of earlier civilizations which we treat now as mystical or mythical. (A hologram is a three-dimensional image in the form of interference patterns. Each part of it represents the whole image, albeit with less resolution.)
Part 1: A Remarkable New View of Reality.
1. The Brain as Hologram
Rats retained memories no matter what portion of their brains were cut out. Some researchers concluded that a memory is not localized in one spot. Like a hologram every part of the brain contains enough information to retain memories.
Vision is not localized either. Neuron messages radiate creating interference patterns. Transferring a skill, for example making words with your left elbow, is easy because it’s like viewing the image from another angle. The brain responds not to a visual pattern but to the Fourier transform of that pattern which is the frequency domain, like a hologram. Perhaps the brain Fourier analyzes tasks to pick them up as a whole, as for example bike riding, rather than learning bit by bit. “Was it possible, he wondered, that what the mystics had been saying for centuries was true, reality was maya, an illusion, and what was out there was really a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a ‘frequency domain’ that was transformed into the world as we know it only after it entered our senses?”
2. The Cosmos as Hologram
Nonlocality, effects at speeds greater than the speed of light, are proven in quantum mechanics. David Bohm, physicist, explains that there is a connection that we don’t perceive between the distant entities. Ink in a jar of glycerine can be twirled to disappear but twirled the other way to reappear. “Bohm calls this deeper level of reality the implicate (which means ‘enfolded’) order, and he refers to our own level of existence as the explicate, or unfolded, order.” “What is ‘out there’ is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies, and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it into the sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our world.”
Part 2: Mind and Body
3. The Holographic Model and Psychology
“Perhaps dreams are a bridge between the perceptual and nonmanifest orders and represent a ‘natural transformation of the implicate into the explicate.’”
“Wolf believes that all dreams are internal holograms.”
“Grof and his wife, Christina, have developed a simple, nondrug technique for inducing these holotropic, or nonordinary states of consciousness. They define a holotropic state of consciousness as one in which it is possible to access the holographic labyrinth that connects all aspects of existence.”
4. I Sing the Body Holographic
Mental imagery caused enabled cancer patients to double their survival time. The mentally retarded have a significantly lower rate of death from cancer. They don’t understand enough to be frightened. Drawings were more informative than blood tests is predicting survival of advanced cancer patients. …“their bodies responded not to reality, but to what they were imagining as reality.”
“In six double-blind studies placebos were found to be 56 percent as effective as morphine in relieving pain.”
He describes a patient who near death got completely better, with the tumor gone, because he believed a new medicine would work. When he heard on the news that the medicine was not effective, he died.
Ten patients were in a room. Nine were given an amphetamine and one a barbiturate. The lone barbiturate taker became animated like the other. In another room the drugs were reversed with the same effect. The lone amphetamine taker slept. Even an injection of caffeine won’t keep caffeine-sensitive individuals awake if they believe they are receiving a sedative. In a chemotherapy study 30 percent of those receiving a placebo lost their hair.
People with multiple personalities have illnesses and conditions in one personality which disappear when another personality is in control. Visual acuity can differ. The voice patterns of multiples are different. We all have the ability to control these things. Multiples can change habits at will even after they recover. TB death rates fell when the cause was discovered even though there was no improved treatment.
People learn voluntary control and can have a fencing foil completely through the body without bleeding or injury. In India a person is swung with hooks in the back with no injury. Hypnosis can produce cures by planting the belief. Even genetic conditions have been cured this way. Belief allows fire walking. “According to the holographic, the mind/body ultimately cannot distinguish between the neural holograms the brain uses to experience reality and the ones it conjures up while imagining reality.”
5. A Pocketful of Miracles
“One psychic ability that appears to play a role in miracles is psychokinesis or PK.” Mental processes affect biological ones. Meaning is both mental and physical in nature. A quantum wave provides an electron with information. Psychokinesis could arise from mental processes that provide meaning so there would be a resonance of meanings, an exchange of information. Laying on of hands or praying may cause psychokinesis. Bones have been healed this way. Thousands saw Jansenist miracles, such as enduring tortures without injury, over a period of many years.
Fire walking shows that maybe reality can be reprogrammed. Fire burns flesh is habit. Just like multiple personalities can change their patterns, “consciousness can mediate directly in the implicate order…” “Bohm admits to believing that the universe is all ‘thought’ and reality exists only in what we think.”
A man was hypnotized and told then when he woke he would not be able to see his daughter. When he woke the hypnotist stood behind his daughter and held up a watch. The man was able to read the inscription the watch. Subjects can identify the contents of a randomly selected sealed box. Meaning is conveyed from a foreign object to the mind. Resonance and psychokinesis occur again. Some have materialized food and other items out of the air. Paramahansa Yogananda: “whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely instantly comes to pass.” A woman did not eat or drink for 35 years. A woman made a whole grove of trees disappear.
“Put another way, there is no reality above and beyond that created by the integration of all consciousness, and the holographic universe can potentially be sculpted in virtually limitless ways by the mind.”
6. Seeing Holographically
“…the holographic model offers the best explanation for understanding the human energy field.”
“…when the main focus of a person’s consciousness is on the material world, the frequencies of their energy field tend to be in the lower range and are not too far removed from the 250 cps of the body’s biological frequencies. In addition to these, people who are psychic or who have healing abilities also have frequencies of roughly 400 cps to 800 cps in their field. People who can go into a trance … operate in a narrow band between 800 and 900 cps.” “People who have frequencies above 900 cps are what Hunt calls mystical personalities.” There is an enormous amount of information in the energy field. Psychics can see and interpret.. “Many psychics believe that disease actually originates in the energy field.” “… ideas that are prominent in our thoughts quickly appear as images in the energy field.” “… it may be that by imagining an illness, even unconsciously, and repeatedly reinforcing its presence in the energy field, we are in effect programming the body to manifest the illness.”
A touch stimulus took .0001 second to reach the brain, .1 second to push a button, and .5 second to be consciously aware of the stimulus or the button press. The subjects thought that they had consciously controlled the button press. The human energy field responds to the stimulus even before the brain does. The brain is just a good computer. The mind is not in the brain but in the energy field.
Part III: Space and Time
7. Time Out of Mind
A gifted clairvoyant was able to see an ancient site in operation, describing the clothes, hair styles, etc. from an artifact recovered from the site. He was never wrong. Sometimes the archaeologists had to change their views. Looking at a hologram with different views can make the image appear to be moving, simulating the passage of time.
People have seen scenes appear from the past. A person could consistently describe who would be sitting in a randomly selected seat later. So this psychic could see the future. Even non-psychics are good at remote viewing. 60 to 68 percennt of precognitions occur in dreaming. Bohm says that people see the present which is implicate and moving toward making that future.. Many recall past lives.
“Is it possible that our unconscious mind is not only aware of the rough outline of our destiny, but actually steers us toward its fulfillment?” “Edgar Cayce also spoke of thoughts as tangible things, a finer form of matter and, when he was in a trance, repeatedly told his clients that their thoughts created their destiny…”
People could progress to future lives. They see fewer people in the world then.
“ we are still children when it comes to understanding the true nature of time.”
8. Traveling in the Superhologram
“Space, too, must be viewed as a product of our mode of perception.”
Patients with out of body experiences could describe their operations correctly. Others couldn’t. “Remember that in a holographic universe, location itself is just an illusion.”
Those with bear death experience agree on what they see, light and energy that can manifest itself in human forms or not, or partially. Time and space cease to exist. Thought structures form patterns. The beings of light ask if your motivation was love. Images produced by interacting thought forms appear real. “Some near death experiencers discovered that in the presence of the light they suddenly had direct access to all knowledge. One person said “One thing I learned was that we are all part of one big, living universe. If we think we can hurt another person or another living being without hurting ourselves we are sadly mistaken. ..”
Swedenborg noted that in the spirit world one no longer needs to eat food, but added that information takes its place as a source of nourishment. A seven year old boy said “Death is like walking into your own mind.”
Sri Aurobindo had to learn to silence the endless chatter of words and thoughts in order to explore the planes of consciousness. “What is physical reality? It is, said Sri Aurobindo, just ‘a mass of stable light.’”
9. Return to the Dreamtime
“We are learning how to deal with the plasticity that is part and parcel of a universe in which mind and reality are a continuum..”