Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam: A Life in Science by John Archibald Wheeler

 Wheeler, a genius who always strived to understand, combines his personal development with the general knowledge of the time in a readable, fascinating story. His student Hugh Everett developed a many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. "All of the things that might happen (with various probabilities) are in fact happening." This avoids the idea that classical measurements chooses one of these different quantum paths. 

In the chapter It From Bit Wheeler states "When a photon is absorbed, and thereby 'measured'--until its absorption, it had no true reality--an unsplittable bit of information is added to what we know of the world, and, at the same time, that bit of information determines the structure of one part of the world. It creates the reality of the time and place of that photon's interaction."   

In the chapter The End of Time. Time-reversal invariance means that for any motion that does occur or can occur, the motion is reverse is also possible. For large-scale events such as ripping a piece of paper in half, the reversal is possible but extremely unlikely so we won't experience it. Disorder is more probable that order so entropy increases. "The electron pays for its freedom to move forward and backward in time be remembering neither future nor past. We remember the past and are trapped in one-way motion through time." "It is more to be compared with temperature or entropy, concepts that take their meaning only when large numbers of particles are involved. Time, we must conclude, is of statistical origin, valid only when dimensions are large enough and conditions are not too extreme."


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