Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

The voice in the head, the commenting is secondary to me, the self that is living. The commentary happens after the living of the event.

Normally you note things and they pass by like cars on the road. But you block stuff that bothers you and dwell on it. Let it pass through instead.

I build a model of myself to cope, but I should let go of the facade.

Do I want to be happy? Then I have to give an unconditional YES no matter what happens. I gain nothing by being bothered. I don't want my happiness to depend of the behavior of others. Why resist what has already happened? Let the event pass through.

Tripping Over the Truth - The return of the metabolic theory of cancer illuminates a new and hopeful path to a cure by Travis Christofferson

p. xiii "Maybe we are losing the war against cancer because ... cancer is not a disease of damaged DNA but rather one of defective metabolism."

p. xiv OttoWarburg said ".. the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar."

p. xiv Thomas Seyfried noted that cancer cells have damage to mitochondria which generate energy through oxidative respiration.

p. 73 Pete Pedersen discovered that the faster a tumor grew, the lower the overall number of mitochondria and the more it fermented glucose.

p. 163 "As the mitochondria lose the ability to function effectively, the body begins the functional decline known as aging."

p. 164 The mitochondria generating energy produces free radicals. As the helpful antioxidant network degrades the mitochondria get banged up.

p. 166 Pedersen showed that viruses could damage mitochondria.

p. 167 "The three common transforming agents -- chemical carcinogens, radiation, and viruses ... were capable of damaging both mitochondria and nuclear DNA."

p. 174 Damaged mitochondria send a signal to the nucleus to increase fermentation but with side effects like uncontrolled proliferation.

p. 176 When they transplanted a damaged nucleus into good cytoplasm the cell was still healthy but when they transplanted a healthy nucleus into damaged cytoplasm the cell was cancerous showing that it is the cytoplasm (containing the mitochondria) that causes the cancer not the DNA in the nucleus.

p. 190 Caloric restriction shrinks tumors which have to compete for glucose which is essential for fermentation. A restricted ketogenic diet which reduces calories with less than 12 grams carohydates, modest protein (one gram for each kilogram of coy weight) and higher fat is the best.

p. 194 Ketone bodies preserve or even restore damaged mitochondria.